Unlike last year we didn't let this summer pass us by without a trip to Sea World. We all had a good time, with the exception of Landen and Aidan not being able to ride a lot of the rides. It was very very hot, but we managed. We will go again when the boys are a little taller, not in August and not on a weekend.

Ashlyn and Alexandra displaying their gifts of love given to them by their dear friend Ms. Stephanie and Harper.

Our family photo taken for our Social Worker's visit the next day. We have plenty of photos of everyone, but very few of all of us together. (Someone has to be on the other end of the camera). This is one of Alexandra's favorite thing to do, play rough with her dad. The visit went really well with the exception of me wanting to choke Ashlyn. The social worker has to come and see how we are all doing six months and then a year after our arrival from China. While conducting her interview with me, the kids did not want to leave the room. I asked them to leave, but they wanted by all means to stay. I told them they could stay if they promised to be quiet and listen. Well about two minutes into the interview, the boys had had enough and left the room. Ashlyn on the other hand stayed and decided that she would answer the social worker's questions. I told her several times that the social worker was talking to me, not her, and I asked her to leave more than once. She just out right refused to listen. Okay let's just stop the interview with the social worker so I can strangle my daughter. The social worker asked if Alexandra was sick since we brought her back. I answered no, she just had a bout with allergies that I needed to check out, I noted she was allergic to peanut butter and possibly had some outdoor allergies. And then Ashlyn chimed in, "Oh remember Alexandra was really sick when she had a fever of 103." (I forgot about this), and then she proceeded to say that Alexandra had a black eye too. From that point on, I just wanted to say yeah, and we lock our kids up on the closet too. Let's just say I wasn't a happy camper with Ashlyn after the interview. I wanted to tell her that if she really wanted to do an interview with the social worker then she would have to go to China and get her own kid.