Friday, March 21, 2008

We're Here

YAY, We're here in Beijing. My intentions were good to blog everyday, but jetlag has got the best of me. We were up at 3:00 am this morning, and our days are filled with tours. We are staying at a nice hotel with the exception of the AC. I really wanted to try and get acupunture done here, but I'm not sure if I will have time. We leave in a few minutes to go to the Great Wall. How exciting!! I would have never imagined in a million years that I would be here with Adam and Ashlyn. Amazingly enough, some of the families here were able to bring several family members. Like five or six in a group.

We went to the Panda zoo, and the Summer Palace, lunch, the pearl store, Temple of Heaven, and the Tea House. The Tea house was Ashlyn's favorite because of the pee pee boy. I had to buy some tea because of the Pee pee boy. I will have to do a presentation when we get back home, but I don't think my presentation will be as exciting as the one the young Asian ladies did.

Oh, and bringing Ashlyn to the restroom was quiet an adventure in itself. I had to hold on to her while she was sliding everywhere holding her hair up and praying she would not fall in the hole in the floor and of course she had to make stinkies. I hope she learned her lesson to try and go at the hotel. If you have not been to an Asian or European country, you may not know what I'm talking about. But I will try and do my best to take a photo so you can see what we have to use.

Well I need to go for now. We are off to the Great Wall.

Please help take care of my boys, and continue to pray for us we are having an adventure.

Two more days and then we get Alexandra.

I will do my best to keep everyone posted and next time I will have to tell you about the driving around here, and the emphasis on beauty.

Well I'm off.




Heather said...

YEA!!! We are SO excited about your trip, but mostly about Alexandra!!! Conor doesn't quite understand why you are there, but says that he's glad that he's getting a new cousin. Hayden will be getting the best b-day gift of all, more family! The 4 of you are in our thoughts and prayers. We LOVE the pictures!!!!
Keep us posted.

Kim H. said...

Wow - the bathroom thing sounds icky... hope that you guys can keep it to the hotel as much as possible!! Enjoy!

Katja Stahr-Long said...

I know EXACTLY what you mean with the bathroom! Had to use one in Italy! Luckily, didn't have to make stinkies. Thank you for blogging! I love hearing about your adventures.