Things are moving along and life is changing and getting busier everyday. The kids have started school and I have started working on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are trying to get adjusted and back into the swing of things. The good news is that in spite of all of our business, my wonderful husband has took the time to schedule us a trip to Hawaii for our ten year anniversary. YAY!!!! I am so looking forward to going. And I'm hoping to drop a couple of pounds before heading out if that's possible, if not I'm still going to enjoy my time away. This will be the first time since Adam and I got married after our honeymoon that we have gone away together with just the two of us. Long overdue. So if any of my friends out there who have been to Hawaii have any recommendations or suggestions, please let me know.
Ashlyn and Landen have officially started school, with the exception of being out right now because of the hurricane, and for the most part seem to be enjoying being back. It took Landen all of four days before he got a note sent home from his teacher. He did not want to follow directions and wanted to do his own thing. Imagine that. So in return, Landen had to write his teacher a letter apologizing for not listening and promising to do better. So far so good.
Ashlyn on the other hand tries her best to be a people pleaser. She likes her teacher and is always trying her best to please her teacher. And with school comes all of their extracurricular activities -voice/piano, tae kwan do, gymnastics, soccer, and Adventure Guides. They don't all do this, but for all three of them this is what the activities include. I know it's insane, but sometimes I think I'm trying to make up for the things that I could not do when I was growing up. I was not completely deprived as a child but things like piano, gymnastics, or dance were never an option for me as a child. If I got to do something it was because a friend's mom would pick me up and drop me off. So I want to make sure my children have a lot of opportunities. I never force them to do anything (except for Ashlyn's piano and voice), but it's their decision on whether or not they want to do these extracurricular activities. Which I am totally for because I don't want them watching T.V. and playing video games all of the time.
Aidan has not started school yet. His first day isn't until October 7th and he is doing his best to stay patient because he enjoys going to school as well. It's hard for him at times to see his brother and sister going to school while he stays at home.
I am currently working at a MDO program for a little extra money every month. Even though it is taking me a while to see the benefits of working part time because of the cost of finger printing, Alexandra's deposit and being out a week because of the hurricane. I am with ten two year olds. What a challenge. I enjoy it, but come home tired because of all the running around I have to do. The hardest part is bringing them all to the bathroom. They run all over the restrooms, play in the water and almost always need assistance. And for those little ones who have to wait while the others are going to the restroom, they have a hard time being patient.
When Alexandra turns eighteen months old, she will be coming with me. I think she's ready because she has become so independent over these last couple of months and she's like a little sponge. She still loves books and at times I will find her sitting down looking at a book pretending to read. So I think she is going to enjoy going to preschool. She's getting to the point where I can now go to church and the YMCA without her crying when I drop her off. It's strange because we have only had our daughter for six months, but I can't imagine not having her before. It's like she's always been part of our family. She's such a blessing and joy. Adam tells me she was the longest delivery ever. That's true. Both of my girls were a lot of work, Ashlyn with IVF and waiting for Alexandra for three years.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
August News
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
It's A Family Affair
What's Alexandra up to these days
From the picture below, she's trying to get her hands on the goods. She even threw her head band in the box so she could have an excuse to stick her little hands in there. Don't worry though the box only contained things that the kids could play with like the pull string confetti, pop rocks, and sparklers. I was close by making sure she stayed out of trouble.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Landen's six year birthday and our days camping
Friday, June 6, 2008
What's new with everyone
Well school has been out for a week. Oh my. Landen is officially over with kindergarten, Ashlyn is now going to second grade, and Aidan will continue to go to preschool. I think Ashlyn was happy school was over and looking forward to the summer. Of course there's the poor me scenario every now and then. I wish we could go to summer camp, I wish we could go to the YMCA pool everyday. Why we can't do that? Let's see, before school ended she was doing gymnastics, singing/piano lessons, baseball, and safari princess. Poor girl, she's soooo deprived. Anyway, basketball season starts and the first practice is this Monday. I got an e-mail from the coach introducing himself and letting me know when practice was. I had to e-mail him and ask which kid he was talking about since three of mine will be playing this season. I'm praying for a relaxed summer if that is possible, where I can hang out at the pool with my kids and enjoy spending time with them. It's only the motherhood mentality that makes me want to do this because otherwise I wouldn't be caught dead in a bathing suit.
Landen was very sad the last day of school. He didn't want school to end. He said that he was going to miss all of his friends and teachers. Oh and he got all of his pretty blond hair cut off for the summer. I refused to let him and Aidan get a buzz cut, but it's really short.
Aidan is pretty much easy going. He will go with the flow. It's just hard for me to believe that he will have to go another year in preschool. I think he's ready for kindergarten, but I know several mothers that think their kids are advanced. It's not so much his academics that I think he's advanced in, even though he can write his name and read a few site words. He just seems to be mature. And there are times that he is definitely more mature than his older brother.
As far as Alexandra, she is changing everyday since the day we got her. She now has more hair, four teeth, and she starting to get a little chunky around the booty and thighs. She is also walking all over the place. And her grandmother Betty has spoiled her rotten. She loves Ms. Betty to death and if Ms. Betty walks into a room and doesn't pick Alexandra up, Alexandra will start to cry. And when Alexandra sees her Grandmother across the room she will take off running with her arms up in the air. It's hard to believe that she wasn't with us a few months ago.
We've heard from Bryan. He sent a few pictures from Kuwait, but called Adam the other day to say that he was in Iraq, but he could not tell us where he was in Iraq. I might be afraid to know. He is hoping to get a few days leave in November. We are still praying for him to come safely home, and ask that our friends and family will do the same. Oh and rumor has it, he's very serious with his girlfriend. Hmmm, that's the first that I've heard of him having a serious relationship since I've known him.
Oh and if anyone knows our family there's never a dull moment and there is always some crises no matter how big or small. The latest is our neighborhood water supply. There have been several occasions where we had no water at all. How wonderful. A mother with four children and no water. Do you realize how many times I wash my hands and the kids a day? Thank God for sanitizing wipes. And yes, the matter is still being worked on. Today my poor mother in law took the kids blackberry picking, cut the grass, and then went home to get totally undressed ready to get in her shower only to find out that there was no water. While this was going on, I called the water company - Aqua Texas and asked as nicely as possible what was going on that this was probably the 3rd or 4th time that we had no water. The rep said she would look into it and then came back and said they were working on it. I asked her since we were having to do without water on a number of occasions if we were going to get a discount on our water bill? I was being sarcastic, which is something I can't stand when other people do it. But I thought it was quiet obvious. But she put me on hold to find out. I couldn't believe she thought I was serious, but hey it was worth the try, but to no surprise she came back and said no.
Well hopefully we will have a good summer and not suffer too much from the heat. And get our water working properly.
Landen was very sad the last day of school. He didn't want school to end. He said that he was going to miss all of his friends and teachers. Oh and he got all of his pretty blond hair cut off for the summer. I refused to let him and Aidan get a buzz cut, but it's really short.
Aidan is pretty much easy going. He will go with the flow. It's just hard for me to believe that he will have to go another year in preschool. I think he's ready for kindergarten, but I know several mothers that think their kids are advanced. It's not so much his academics that I think he's advanced in, even though he can write his name and read a few site words. He just seems to be mature. And there are times that he is definitely more mature than his older brother.
As far as Alexandra, she is changing everyday since the day we got her. She now has more hair, four teeth, and she starting to get a little chunky around the booty and thighs. She is also walking all over the place. And her grandmother Betty has spoiled her rotten. She loves Ms. Betty to death and if Ms. Betty walks into a room and doesn't pick Alexandra up, Alexandra will start to cry. And when Alexandra sees her Grandmother across the room she will take off running with her arms up in the air. It's hard to believe that she wasn't with us a few months ago.
We've heard from Bryan. He sent a few pictures from Kuwait, but called Adam the other day to say that he was in Iraq, but he could not tell us where he was in Iraq. I might be afraid to know. He is hoping to get a few days leave in November. We are still praying for him to come safely home, and ask that our friends and family will do the same. Oh and rumor has it, he's very serious with his girlfriend. Hmmm, that's the first that I've heard of him having a serious relationship since I've known him.
Oh and if anyone knows our family there's never a dull moment and there is always some crises no matter how big or small. The latest is our neighborhood water supply. There have been several occasions where we had no water at all. How wonderful. A mother with four children and no water. Do you realize how many times I wash my hands and the kids a day? Thank God for sanitizing wipes. And yes, the matter is still being worked on. Today my poor mother in law took the kids blackberry picking, cut the grass, and then went home to get totally undressed ready to get in her shower only to find out that there was no water. While this was going on, I called the water company - Aqua Texas and asked as nicely as possible what was going on that this was probably the 3rd or 4th time that we had no water. The rep said she would look into it and then came back and said they were working on it. I asked her since we were having to do without water on a number of occasions if we were going to get a discount on our water bill? I was being sarcastic, which is something I can't stand when other people do it. But I thought it was quiet obvious. But she put me on hold to find out. I couldn't believe she thought I was serious, but hey it was worth the try, but to no surprise she came back and said no.
Well hopefully we will have a good summer and not suffer too much from the heat. And get our water working properly.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Our oldest son Bryan
Other family photos
that they are Chinese boys.

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