My little boy is already six years old. The time goes by so fast. You blink and they are out of diapers and going into first grade.

Oops, just a little too close to the cake.

I can't imagine Landen being any other way. His nickname from his mom only is Sunshine. You can definitely see why here. He has the ability to light up the whole room. (There's also another side, but we won't discuss that now)

All the little Manuel's right before bedtime while camping. It looks like Alexandra is loving her first camping trip. She was great. We went camping just a couple of weeks after returning home from China.

This is my camping look. How unfortunate some of our camping buddies have never seen me any other way. Here, Alexandra and I are about to go walking on an alligator trail for a couple of miles. She liked the hike too, and never complained. There was one occasion though where this alligator was flailing in and out of the water with it's tail and growling. I'm from Louisiana and have seen many of alligator, but I've never seen one act like that before. Needless to say we did not stick around to see why he/she (I'm assuming it was a female because she was ornery) was acting irritable.
Wow - glad to get to see some pictures of the family!! Happy Belated Birthday Landen - it looks like you guys had a good time.
I'd have freaked with a testy alligator around... but I'm a wimpy city girl. :-)
Yeah! I love seeing new pics from the family. I especially love the kids in the tent. What a beautiful family you have! Happy Birthday Landen!!! I have a theory on the alligator..I think it was a male and he was calling for the females because it was mating season. Anyway, thanks for sharing.
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