With everyone pitching in and the help of family and friends, our house is finally finally getting started with renovations.

The kids love helping their dad work on the house, especially the boys.

Ashyn did not want to be left out, so she decided to pitch in too.

I've been wanting to do this for a long long time - knock this wall down. We are expanding our back wall from our living area that had a horrible design of two windows on opposite ends that were way too high to see the outside yard. And I hated it because I could not see my children while they played outside. With this wall down we will have about an extra three feet added to our living area and I will be able to see my kids play outside from any area of the living room without having to get up and look out the window. We have added a door, french doors, and a huge window that takes up about half the wall. It really has opened up the room. So far Adam and the kids have knocked down half of the wall, next they will do the fire place in the middle and then the other half of the wall. YAY!!!!

Nope, this is not a posed picture. I am really up on the roof, screwing the plywood down. It took me a while before I started to get blisters on my hand to look over at my husband and see him wearing gloves. He forgot that minor detail while handing me the tools. OOPS. I managed to finish the job in over 90 degree weather. There are very few times that I am willing to pat myself on the back, but I was sure damn proud of myself for getting up on the roof for over an hour bent over drilling the plywood. (Yep, I was sore the next day) So see, I'm not a total girly girl. I also helped drill the holes in the yard when we first got our house to put up the fence. I wonder if I can add all of this to my resume and who knows, by the time I look for a paying job, I may have to look into this line of work. It's been so long since I've done administrative work - yep, that's why it takes me so long to blog because I'm not as efficient as I once was years ago on the computer. Not to mention the alone time is few and far in between. But hey, for the most part, I'm happy.
YEAH!! I know that you've been wanting to remodel the house since you moved in... I'm so glad that the process has started! I can't wait to see the pictures when it's all done!
Oh boy! You guys sure do look busy!!! Better you than me up on that roof!
All kidding aside, everyone looks great!
Best of luck finishing your remodeling project.
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