Monday, January 19, 2009
All in One Hike

Our 10 Year Anniversary Celebrated in Hawaii

Sunday, January 4, 2009
More Pictures of the Kids
Alexandra's first Halloween. What else could she be other than a ladybug. She loved trick r treating and stayed up way past her bedtime. She had a blast and walked without assistance to all of the houses. She got lots of looks and smiles as people past us by.
Ashlyn as Hannah Montana. I was hoping that she would want to be something else, but nope this is who she wanted to be for Halloween. One of the grown up men passing out candy commented on Ashlyn asking if she was Britney Spears, his wife quickly said no she's Hannah Montana and I said, she does have underwear and shorts underneath her costume. It was hard enough letting her be Hannah Montana, but there is no way in H#ll I would let her be Britney Spears. I don't even think Ashlyn knows who Britney Spears is.
My Babies Are Getting Older
For Aidan's five year birthday party we celebrated at our house, and Aidan wanted another Spiderman birthday party. I don't think I know of any other kid who had the same birthday party two years in a row. But if this is what he wanted, it was fine with me.
The boys hanging out at the bowling alley for Ashlyn's eighth birthday party. They all had a lot of fun.
Ashlyn wanted her party at the bowling alley and it was Hannah Montana. It was nice because I just had to show up with the cake and the dad's watched the kids bowl and got in on the action as well. My only complaint though was I hated the smell of the bowling alley. It smelled like an ash tray, but I was told that no matter what bowling alley we went to, they are all the same. Yuck.
Ashlyn is now eight and she thinks that she is fifteen. She is no longer into Princess stuff and Hello Kitty - "that's for babies". She's into Hannah Montana and the Jonas Brothers. Is this what they call the tween years? She's also getting into the stage where she doesn't want me to show any public displays of affection. This will embarrass her. At least I know to ask her first before I hug her or give her a kiss around her friends. She will just smile and shake her head no. But she still wants me to go to her school parties and read to her class so I guess it's not all bad. My two boys though have not gotten into this stage yet. They both still love hugs and kisses. I can ask Landen at school if he minds if I give him a kiss or hug and he tells me, no he doesn't mind.
We have also decided to take our kids out one at a time by themselves with just Adam and myself to celebrate their birthday. It's their date night with mom and dad. We do this at the half year mark and a couple of weeks after their birthdate. We really enjoy doing this with them because it gives them time with just the two of us and they get all of the attention. They get to choose the activity and the place to eat.
A Lot of Catching Up to Do
Below Aidan dressed for his Tae Kwan Do class. He and Landen both took classes last semester. I think Landen was having one of his moments this day and opted not to put on his uniform. Both boys seem to enjoy this class, especially Landen. Next school year I will be looking into some of the martial arts schools to see what they have available. We just registered the boys for a semester at our local YMCA before deciding to sign a contract and pay a lot more. We really do take advantage of our membership at our YMCA and I would recommend it to any parent whose child is thinking of sports, dance, gymnastics, etc.... It's not as competitive nor as professional as some of the other areas, but it is a lot cheaper and it's a way of knowing whether or not your child really likes the activity before having to dish out the big bucks.
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