Ashlyn and her friends chillin after bowling and her party.
Alexandra's first Halloween. What else could she be other than a ladybug. She loved trick r treating and stayed up way past her bedtime. She had a blast and walked without assistance to all of the houses. She got lots of looks and smiles as people past us by.

Okay Landen and Aidan decided that they would be the same person for Halloween. Landen wanted to be Aniken Skywalker and Aidan wanted to be Darth Vader. Unfortunately Landen did not go trick or treating because he continued to get notes from school saying that he was misbehaving and not listening to the teacher. He was warned beforehand that if he came home with notes from the teacher for misbehaving he would not be allowed to go trick r treating. He got a note and we had to follow through. We have been having some issues and he has been doing better. We have an appointment later this month to see a child specialist regarding his behavior at school. He went from being a favorite in kindergarten to a child who receives conduct marks often in first grade. It's a little hard for me because Landen's personality and attitude is the mirror image of myself. He's definitely my child. It will be interesting to see what the specialist has to say. I think we will have to use our best judgement in the end. We are on a three month waiting list to see the specialist. She suggested that we do not punish Landen at home for his misbehavior at school because his punishment of the teacher moving his folder at school is enough. Hmmmm!!! I wonder what Landen's teacher would think of this. And to be honest I don't think Landen feels any consequences for bad behavior with a folder being moved. We are just taking it one day at a time with this one. It does seem that Landen is doing better. I am concerned, but not taken by surprise by the whole situation, because I do know my son, and as a parent I can only do the best that I can. And I don't expect my kids to be. It's all part of growing up.
Ashlyn as Hannah Montana. I was hoping that she would want to be something else, but nope this is who she wanted to be for Halloween. One of the grown up men passing out candy commented on Ashlyn asking if she was Britney Spears, his wife quickly said no she's Hannah Montana and I said, she does have underwear and shorts underneath her costume. It was hard enough letting her be Hannah Montana, but there is no way in H#ll I would let her be Britney Spears. I don't even think Ashlyn knows who Britney Spears is.

And here's Aidan as Darth Vader
What a dope - like an 8 year old would be Britney Spears for Halloween! Seriously!!
I'll be praying for you guys and Landen as he goes through the adjustments. Sometimes it's hard to be a kid, but I think that you guys will figure it out in the end... and sometimes the best thing for a kid is just seeing his parents being consistent and following through on their words. I'm sorry that he missed out on trick or treating, but I think that you did the best thing for him.
It looks like the kiddos are keeping you and Adam on your toes!
If it makes you feel any better, our 6-year old niece is also VERY into Hannah Montana and High School Musical.
It's those BAD disney shows. What do you expect from a company run by a rat?
Happy New Year!
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