Worst and best plane ride ever. The best because we were coming home. The worst because it was way too long and my baby couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep. We had wanted to purchase a carseat, but that wasn't an option once we arrived in China.

Our welcome home, we had many surprises. Our friends were there to greet us at the airport.

Our family anxiously awaited our arrival with many surprises as well. Alexandra had a brand new carseat waiting for her in the van that her Aunt Heather and Grandma Betty bought for her.

Her beautiful nursery that was done by all -Grandma Betty, Aunt Heather, Aunt Rhonda, Aunt Faye, Aunt Billie, and Glynis. A lot of decisions to be made and hard work -what would be the best thing for the nursery- the end result, Mommy and Alexandra were really surprised and loved it.
What a terrific entry! What a celebration! Welcome home Alexandra & all of the Manuel family.
What a wonderful surprise. I so wanted to join them at the airport but didnt want to give the gift of sickness to your new baby just yet. ;)
And the nursery looks amazing!! I am so happy for your family!!
I am so glad your family is home safe and sound. I hope your getting settled in.
Welcome home! TAG you're it. Go read my blog to find out what I am talking about!
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